Monday, February 16, 2009


And the waiting is starting to irk me. This really is a test of patience, and of my mental stability.

Only a few more days to go.

I had to really talk myself out of stopping at the supermarket on the way home, because I was nervous that I wouldn't be able to stop myself from buying a HPT!! I don't want to be tempted by it yet. While there's not one in the house, I can't give in to moments of weakness, without a trip to the supermarket. And let's face it, I'm kinda lazy :)

I still have a couple of symptoms, but I can still attribute them all to something else (eg progesterone) so I'm trying not to think about them. And for the most part it's working, thank god. Hence, I'm still (mostly) sane.

I rang my RE today and made another appointment. The clinic recommends that you go back and see the doc about 2 weeks after the BT. My appointment is actually almost 3 weeks after the BT, but Dr W only consults once a week, so what are you gonna do? Really.

My mum gave me a crystal yesterday. She said that she chose it when she was in a meditation class. It wasn't her first choice, but somebody else took the one she was going to grab. Then she got this one (it's clear quartz). While she was meditating, she was thinking of nothing in particular, and the image of a moving (really active!) fetus came to her in the crystal (she assures me she is not, in fact, crazy). And she felt compelled to give it to me. So I've had it in my bra ever since. I'm scared that I'm going to lose it some time when I take my bra off cos I always forget it's there, but every little good luck charm is important at this stage!!

I will let you know when I give in to the urge and do a HPT. I'm kinda thinking it might be Wednesday.... we will see, cos I'm shit scared of getting a negative result.


'Murgdan' said...

Oh....I cannot even imagine. Suspense!!! I don't know if I could bring myself to ever buy a pee stick again.....good luck!!!

Sarah said...

Very best wishes zooming your way, along with a few virtual hugs!

Ps...LOVE the new blog layout. Very pretty.

Lea said...

Eeeeeeeee! Maybe tomorrow? I've got evrything crossed for you! Lots of luck!